// aha.cfg : settings, initialization & execing other cfgs // ----------------- basic bindings unbindall bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind "0" "slot10" bind "HOME" "snapshot" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "q" "messagemode" bind "w" "messagemode2" // ---------------------------------- settings name "[KiF]AHA" cl_fixtimerate "7.5" // ----------------- mouse joystick "0" //joystick on/off +mlook //mouse look on/off m_filter "0" //mouse filter on/off sensitivity "13.6" //normal mouse sens. zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.0" //normal mouse sens. / zoomed mouse sens. m_pitch "-0.022" m_yaw "0.022" // ----------------- console, hud contimes "16" //how many developer lines scr_conspeed "6000" //console dropdown speed con_color "255 255 255" //console font color r g b con_notifytime "3.0" //sec, wie lange developer 1 stehen bleiben scr_centertime "5.0" //set how long server messages remain on screen hud_fastswitch "0" //switch weapons without attack on/off hud_centerid "1" //center player names on/off hud_saytext_time "3.0" //sec, wie lange texte stehen bleiben hud_deathnotice_time "5.0" //sec, wie lange death notices stehen bleiben hud_drawhistory_time "3.0" //set how long HUD item icons remain onscreen setinfo ghosts "0" //geister sehen on/off setinfo ah "0" //auto hilfe on/off setinfo dm "0" // setinfo vgui_menus "0" //vgui on/off // ----------------- audio hisound "0" //hohe Soundqualität on/off loadas8bit "1" //soundqualität auf 8bit on/off s_a3d "0" //A3D support on/off s_eax "0" //EAX support on/off s_reverb "0" //Reverb on/off bgmvolume "0" //CD on/off bgmbuffer "0" //cd buffer volume "1.0" //overall volume suitvolume "1.0" //(radiocommands?) _snd_mixahead "0.1" //try higher values, when sound gets choppy // ----------------- net cl_cmdbackup "1" //try to overcome packet loss on/off cl_resend "6" //number of retries cl_allowupload "1" //decals uploaden on/off cl_allowdownload "1" //decals maps etc. downloaden on/off cl_download_ingame "1" //download im spiel on/off // ----------------- gfx setinfo "lefthand" "1" //player model lefthanded/righthanded crosshair "1" //crosshair on/off mp_decals "30" //number of decals max_shells "1" //number of shells max_smokepuffs "1" //number of smokepuffs fastsprites "0" //0-regular transparent smoke grenade sprites, 1-simple, 2-VERY simple violence_ablood "1" //blood on/off violence_agibs "1" //gibs on/off violence_hblood "1" //more blood on/off violence_hgibs "1" //more gibs on/off cl_himodels "0" //highq models on/off r_mmx "1" //use mmx unit on/off r_dynamic "1" //dynamic lighting on/off r_mirroralpha "1" //reflective textures on/off gl_playermip "0" //GL model render quality : higher -> lower quality 0,1,2 gl_smoothmodels "1" //GL model smoothing on/off gl_round_down "0" //GL Rundung von Texturen higher -> lower quality gl_monolights "0" //GL uniform light source w/o shadows on/off gl_lightholes "1" //GL lightholes on/off gl_wateramp "0" //GL water waves on/off gl_keeptjunctions "0" //GL ritzen zw. texturen rausrechnen on/off gl_clear "1" //GL show cracks between textures on/off gl_spriteblend "1" //GL sprite blending on/off gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" gl_dither "1" //GL dithering on/off gl_ztrick "1" //GL do the ztrick on/off gl_cull "1" //GL render visible objects only on/off gl_picmip "0" //GL render quality higher -> lower quality 0,1,2 vid_d3d "0" //d3d on/off (better off when using opengl) // ----------------- wait + clear menu alias aha_w2 "wait; wait" alias aha_w3 "aha_w2; wait" alias aha_w4 "aha_w3; wait" alias aha_w5 "aha_w4; wait" alias aha_w6 "aha_w5; wait" alias aha_w7 "aha_w6; wait" alias aha_w8 "aha_w7; wait" alias aha_cl "slot10; slot10; aha_w6; slot10; slot10" // ----------------- proxies for switching alias +aha_attack "+attack" alias -aha_attack "-attack" alias +aha_jump "+jump" alias -aha_jump "-jump" // ----------------- execing aliases, binds, reset alias aha_eabc "exec aha-bind-combat.cfg" exec aha-aliases-dvmsgs.cfg exec aha-aliases-comm.cfg exec aha-aliases-hud.cfg exec aha-aliases-net.cfg exec aha-aliases-move+buy.cfg exec aha-aliases-weapons+c4+grenades.cfg aha_eabc alias aha_reset_hud+move "aha_reset_hud; aha_reset_move" aha_reset_net aha_reset_hud+move aha_reset_wcg // ---------------------------------- END